Thursday, August 20, 2020

30 Days 30 Psalms -- Day 14

Psalm 50

There are many points that we could consider in Psalm 50 today. First of all, this Psalm teaches us that God is the final judge of all things. At the end of the age, both the righteous and the wicked will be judged.

In the New Testament, Jesus told us that all judgment had been given over to the Son by the Father. Jesus is the final judge. The Apostles' Creed states that Jesus will come to judge both the living and the dead when He comes again. Those who die before the coming of the Lord have their eternal destiny decided at death. Scripture tells us that we are all appointed to die, and after this the judgment.

Those who are in Christ will have a judgment based on service for the Lord. It is not a judgment to see if someone has done enough good to get into heaven. We are saved by grace through faith and not by works. We are reedemed by what Jesus did for us through His death and resurrection. The believer's judgment determines the rewards and crowns we will receive from Jesus. The Lord is a rewarder of those in who diligently seek Him. Some will have a lot of treasure laid up in heaven. Unfortunately, others will have little. Jesus will let us know if we have done what He has told us to do.

Those who do not follow Jesus Christ will face a different judgment. Those who do not accept the Lordship of Jesus will be cast from His presence.

When Jesus returns, He will judge what is right. Every injustice will be made right in some way by the Lord. The Lord will rule with equity.

Psalm 50 also lets us know that all animals belong to the Lord. He is their Creator and sustainer. We do not have the right to do whatever we want to them. The Lord made us stewards of the earth. We are to tend and care for all that God has made. It is unfortunate that so many Christians do not respect the lives of animals and do not show proper regard for what God has made. I believe that the Lord will have a lot to say about this when He returns. Will He say that we were the type of stewards He called us to be? The verdict for humanity on this point is not looking good right now.

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