Saturday, August 22, 2020

30 Days 30 Psalms -- Day 16

Psalm 74

Psalm 74 was written by a man named Asaph. Asaph wrote the second highest number of Psalms next to David as far as we know. Several Psalms are not attributed to a specific author.

I have a special affinity in my heart for Asaph. He really believed in God. However, he had a hard time understanding why God allowed certain things to happen. He had questions, but he always maintained his faith in the Almighty.

In this Psalm, Asaph is writing about the enemies of the people of Israel. Apparently, these enemies had invaded and caused destruction. They had even caused damage to the house of the Lord.

Asaph wanted to know how long God was going to allow this to continue. He wanted to know when God was going to come and drive out Israel's foes.

Asaph recognizes that God has the power to do anything. He is the Creator and sustainer of the entire universe. He could easily defend His people from their enemies.

In my life, there have been a lot of times when bad things have happened. I didn't really understand why the Lord was allowing all of this to happen. For instance, my Mom had a bad stroke when she was in her mid 70s. It caused her to experience a great deal of difficulty. On top of that, she suffered from Alzheimer's. I prayed for years that she would get better, but she never did. The Lord did answer important prayers. He healed me of vitiligo, and he healed my friend Toby. I know God had the power to help my mom. Like, Asaph, I wondered why He did not act.

It is during these times when we must have faith in the Lord. We must have faith in His plans and purposes even though we don't always understand them. Knowing that Jesus is loving, merciful and good helps us to know that He is looking out for us.

Ultimately, all will be well. God will align all things with His perfect will. We must continue to persevere in prayer as we wait on the Lord and His ultimate restoration of all things.

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