Friday, August 14, 2020

30 Days 30 Psalms -- Day 8

Psalm 22

This Psalm has much for us to look into. This is one of the Messianic Psalms. There are portions of this Psalm that were fulfilled in the life and death of Jesus. When Jesus was on the cross, He quoted the section that states, "My God my God, why have you forsaken me?"

Now, let us see how this Messianic Psalm's predictions were fulfilled. Verse 7 states that people would mock and hurl insults at the Messiah. This happened to Jesus on the cross. Verse  8 tells us that the people would  say that the Lord would deliver Him if He was really the chosen one. This also happened to Jesus on the cross.

In verse 16, we see that the piercing of Jesus' hands and feet was predicted.  Jesus retained the marks of His crucifixion even in His resurrection body.

In verse 19 we read, "They divided my garments among them, and cast lots for my clothing." The Roman soldiers did this at Calvary. They divided up most of the Lord's clothes, but Jesus' robe was woven all of one piece. It was too nice to tear up, so they cast lots to see who would win it.

This is a great Psalm to point people to when you are attempting to show them the uniqueness and reliability of Scripture. It is also a useful passage to point out when showing people that Jesus truly is the Messiah.

Now, I want to point something else out. We often wonder if God has forsaken us when difficult times come. Jesus our perfect example even felt this way. The Lord will never leave us nor forsake us. We have ultimate victory and deliverance in our God.

The Father did not forsake the Son. The Father confirmed all that the Son said and did when Jesus rose from the grave on Easter Sunday.

Jesus will always be with us in this life and in the world to come. He has prepared a place for us so that where He is , we will be there too.

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