Friday, October 30, 2020

Weekend Sermon -- Christian Characteristics -- Part 2

 Thank God, it is time for another posting of the Weekend Sermon. I hope that everyone is having a very good week.

There are two places in the New Testament where you can find a list of of the characteristics that are supposed to be in evidence in the life of a believer in Jesus.

One place you will find this list is in Galatians 5 where Paul contrasts the works of the flesh with the fruit of the Spirit. The other list of Christian Characteristics can be is found in II Peter chapter 1. Both of these lists tell us that kindness is a characteristic of a fruitful Christian life.

One of my favorite verses is Ephesians 4:32 that tells us to be kind to one another. I have said before that if people would follow this teaching, along with Jesus' words to do unto others as we would have done to us, the world would be a much better place to live in.

Kindness involves treating others with dignity and with respect. Being kind means speaking words that heal and not words that hurt. Showing kindness means helping others with their problems so that they can have a better life. We show kindness when we do good for the least of those among us. When we act like Jesus in this hurting world, we are acting in a kind manner.

I am sad to say that many Christians are not acting in a kind way to those with whom they disagree. So many Christians speak hatefully and act so mean that it is no surprise to me that many don't want to have anything to do with the church and Christianity.

Why is kindness so important to the Lord? Because the Lord is kind and has shown kindness to us. The kindness of God is most clearly evident in the incarnation of Jesus. Jesus came into this world so that we might have forgiveness of sins and a relationship with the Father in Heaven. 

This week, try your best to act in a kind manner toward your family, friends and associates. Do and say those things that will make them happy. Speak encouraging words. Let people feel that they are loved by your kind actions. Amen.

Prayer Requests And Other Matters

I want to thank the Lord for helping me at work this week and for allowing me to get the pay I had coming.

Please pray for those affected by the storms in the US South. Louisiana has gone through three hurricanes this year! Pray that the people will get the help that they need to recover.

Pray for peace on Earth. Pray for peace in Syria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and Yemen.

For our prayer focus countries, pray for Ghana and Qatar.

For blog readers in the US. Pray that God will guide your decision while voting on Tuesday. When voting, think about which candidate will be mostly likely to help the least of those among us.

Next week, I will post the sermon on Friday and the verses on Monday. I may post something on Wednesday. May God bless you all.

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