Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Book Review -- A Good Cat Book

    At the library where I go to to work on the computer, they have a small, used bookstore in the lobby, I have found some really good books there in the past.  This past week, I purchased a small book entitled "A Cat's Life" written by Dee Ready.
    This little book is a wonderful book about the life of a cat owned by the author.  Their relationship spanned 17 years.  During the course of their time together, Dee and Dulcy the cat moved from New Hampshire to Minnesota.  Dee and Dulcy had some up and downs in their relationship when it involved a new cat coming into the household, but the pair shared a deep love for each other that is very evident in the author's account.
     One of the nicest features of the book is the artwork depicting Dulcy.  These drawings are very well done and add a nice touch to the overall story.
     This isn't a book filled with adventure and travel like the books by Peter Gethers nor is it written in the same style as the cat trilogy by Cleveland Amory.  However, "A Cat's Life" is a well written book that allows the reader to share the relationship between Dee and Dulcy and reflect upon the importance of a special animal to help one through life.

     P.S.-- For those who like cat books, the Cleveland Amory and Peter Gethers books I mentioned are very good.  "Pawprints in the Moonlight" is another excellent cat book that I have mentioned in the past.  Also, I have been re-reading "The Cat That God Sent" which is also a cat book that I highly recommend as well.

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